Monday, 31 July 2017

Keep In Mind These Things Before Throwing Your First Festival As A Promoter

Festival planning as a promoter is always stressful. You have to think constantly about it's effectiveness which is due on your actions. So be aware of these things before throwing your first party.

(I)- Have enough in time planning for your first event. As a promoter you feel the excitement to organize your party...trying to do something different, doing preparations a lot quicker than actually you have never done before. Try to control the mental rush. Unless you are ok practically with your preparation never go for the event. It’s ok to do things on a fast track but you also have to keep every arrangement for smooth run-up during event. There is also a chance that you may just prepared plan in a paper and fixed the event date by deciding in advance. Remember if your preparation did fall on shortage of time then your chances of success will be ruined. So unless final preparation happened never take decision on fixation of event date.

(II)-What's your type of party plan? Whether it's outdoor or a nightclub? What's your target? Types of music to be featured on the show... Whether you will organize on a legal place or prefer to have an underground show. What documents needed to get the venue clearance. These things you should plan in advance for your first event. Have a clear mindset about expectation and organization. Its better not to choose underground show at your first event as you are not well known about the event business.

(III)- Don't expect too much monetary benefits in your first show. You are still to know about the actual scenes. So your first event will be learning for you. Examine how people are enjoying, how many tickets are sold for your event...what are the other things attendees are doing? Keep an eye on these things. Your planning should have been stretched more beyond than a debut party. Remember sometimes even festivals loose money or ceases due to some unavoidable circumstances. You cannot be sure when what will happen? Business plan in event management built on the basis of long term expectations and it takes a lot more effort to be chosen as a brand in front of crowd. If you are able to earn profit from your first event then your effort is in lucky site.

(IV)- Marketing is about branding and in today's branding is a need for every business. Social media is key in this world. Spread your name on every social media platform. Along with this also go for flyers regarding your event. You can distribute those flyers physically to your known places. You can also put a soft copy of a flyer in social media. A picture is an attraction in itself and with a well settled target it can attract a good level of audiences.

(V)- As a first promoter you may think about the number of attendees for your event. You may be around the mind to create a buzz for the first event. Its a little trickier here. You also have to think about the size of the venue to be booked for the event. Always choose a comparative size according to response of people for your event. Too large venue with empty spaces will create bad image in the market as people will think not good show. Too short attendees will feel suffocated.. So it's better for constantly be communicative to audience responses.

(VI)- One should definitely use his/her market knowledge to carry out planning smoothly. Get to know about your size of target audience and devise your arrangements broadly accordingly with your customer selection. The event planning is a complex process and it's important to build a team. You need promoters, Audio visual experience enhancers, bartenders, local mates (Local support is essential, otherwise you will have a hard time in organizing your event), tattoo specialist etc....Requirement of number of staffs depend on the size of the venue and facilities you plan for your event. Take a call upon on their trusts, dedication and capabilities. Its a team effort so you need plenty of trustworthy and dedicated people in a team to make it successfully happen.

(VII)- Now make a list of the type of foods and drinks you will be supplying in your event. As an initiator you should not mix up this facility in your ticket price. Keep these prices separately mentioned as it's an easy understanding for them. Every person has a define requirement to his/her choice. So let them select the types of foods and drink. Make them pay for what they take. No extra load on customer.

Try constantly to stick to your plan. Planning may match a little distraction in the Course of actual happening. So target those distractions and note them down. Take it as learning and the mistakes will act as an alerted reference for your next event.

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