There is always a hidden intention behind
the word ‘underground’. It just feels like a
signature of approval which
is being impended
on behalf of the music played in underground
Generally we mean underground to
be an illegal venue for festival, but the
music played out there can be heard in other surrounding open localities. The
word 'rave' which we people think as an impure, unpolished, dangerous, dirty
has drowned the respect of underground events. The word ‘underground’ has
nothing to do with the above words i.e. unpolished, dangerous, dirty... It's
just like any other festival with the music being honoured. Let's separate this
‘underground’ musically.
(I) Some people may have a thought that
being into the channel of commercialization music can't be considered as
underground. There would be many artists now who must be uploading some sort of
tracks into the streaming platforms to generate some royalty for
himself/herself. This thing doesn't lead to opencast/underground. If the artist
chooses a medium to boost this news i.e. about a new track release on spotify
or promises that specific track to be played in specific festivals (notify to
people by himself/herself through respective social updates) then its fall
within underground. The word 'underground' supports personal commercialization not
public commercialization.
(II) Some persons may also think that the
time and era of underground scene no longer exists as globally now everything is
accessible and there is not even a stance of underground which can be termed
itself which was usual in the past. There is no doubt that people are gradually
changing and so does the music industry and we often change our tastes for
music. But still underground exists and people are still available for it.
People give different names but the act is same. Some call it rave, others
choose PLUR. From the artistic side here artists just like to stay independent
and don't bother about record labels. Djs like adriatique, len faki, Moodymann
have a great following despite not being active participants in mainstream
scenes. People know them and they know their people and that is sufficient to
go for underground. They just want to stick to their places of audience and
market among them. There is no primacy to promote them knowingly.
(III) Many people in music industry and
concerned fellows of dance floor believe underground to be that part of
clubbing which is unseen in open eyes. It's true, detail things about
mainstream acts are easier to find but to find a longtail about underground
acts you have to dig deeper through your contacts. Yes internet is there, you
can be informed about the location but you won't know about the actual
happenings out there. Techno and house music have been playing a role of
grandeur in it. These two styles of music are actually a part of the culture of
underground while edm and trance represents the culture of dance music or
opencast scenes. Both underground and opencast are big events inculcated by
music but culture changes the definition of these two from each other.
(IV) On the other side a thought can also
be considered i.e. “Whatever we define ‘underground’, its a part of electronic
music, as techno and house both genres are produced mostly electronically these
days.” Yes it is true but the underground was there in the world even before
the electronic music and its still there and will be beyond of it. Underground
is actually the deepest form of electronic music as mostly tracks played here won't
be found in mainstream radios.
Hidden to the eyes, hidden to ears of most,
underground is actually a musical coast and will remain in the realm of dance
music in the coming future.
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